Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New Year + Tournament Report 30/12/11

Firstly, happy new year to all the blog readers!! May this upcoming year bring more achievements. Personally, I hope that this will be the year where I finally top a sanctioned tourney, and not just local tournaments. Next will be an overdue report which occurred on the 30th of December. One bad thing happened during that day is that I lost my darkworld deck, but it was eventually found and returned. Thanks to whoever that found it :D

Tournament Report:
Number of Players: 21
Deck Used: Dark World
4 Round of swiss, cut to top 8

Round 1: VS Shaun(ChickenNoodles)-Agentzecter

Game 1: Killed him with the usual darkworld rush.
Game 2: Cleared his hand with Deck Devastation Virus, and slowly used grapha to beat for game.


Round 2: VS Alvin PUTRAAAAAAAA-Hero Beat

Game 1: Died to his beats when I did not draw many monsters.
Game 2: Grapha beat wins games
Game 3: Was in control until he topdecked stuff to kill me :(


Round 3: VS Neo-Inzecter Wind-up

Game 1: Killed him with grapha beat
Game 2: Died to royal decree + dimensional fissure :(
Game 3: He drew no monsters, so slowly beat with grapha


Round 4: VS Raikoku Yu(Baha)-Koku Inzecter

Game 1: Died to OTK inzecter loop
Game 2: Died to me having few monsters


Suprisingly, I got into top 8 at 8th spot 

Top 8: VS Shaun(Shaunewbiez)-Agentzecter

Game 1: He opened with venus and gachi-gachi, but I slowly got rid of them via grapha's effect and beat.
Game 2: I OTKed with a field of grapha, silva, raven, beiige and his hyperion.


Top 4: VS Raikoku Yu(Baha)-Koku Inzecters

Game 1+2: Died to topdecked BLS and me having no monsters....


3rd/4th: VS Wesley(Lamby)-Inzecters

Game 1+2+3: Shared

Brought home a Magi Magi Magician Girl

Anyway, good job to my teammates as 3 out of the 4 of us got into the top 8, and me and lamby got into top 4. Lets hope that this new year will be better for our team in terms of achievements :D